Current Works

  • Pauline Dunleavy Encaustic Art original Irish art pigmented wax beautiful colour palette rich and diverse range gorgeous pieces Interiors Irish art Kilbaha Gallery

    Forever Home

  • Pauline Dunleavy Encaustic Art original Irish art pigmented wax beautiful colour palette rich and diverse range gorgeous pieces Interiors Irish art Kilbaha Gallery

    No Shadow without Light

  • Pauline Dunleavy Encaustic Art original Irish art pigmented wax beautiful colour palette rich and diverse range gorgeous pieces Interiors Irish art Kilbaha Gallery

    Sit and Listen

  • Pauline Dunleavy Encaustic Art original Irish art pigmented wax beautiful colour palette rich and diverse range gorgeous pieces Interiors Irish art Kilbaha Gallery

    Fire in my Heart

  • Pauline Dunleavy original Irish art bursts of colour vivacious and vivid work gorgeous pieces Ireland encaustic work pigmented wax painting interiors house gift ireland beautiful work Kilbaha Gallery West of Ireland

    Misty Reflections

  • Forever Home

  • Contemplation

  • Dark Promise

  • Pauline Dunleavy original art oil on canvas beautiful pieces of original art Irish art Kilbaha Gallery Irish gallery WAW interiors original work large art

    Sea Spirit

  • Pauline Dunleavy Encaustic art pigmented wax beautiful pieces of original art Irish art Kilbaha Gallery Irish gallery WAW interiors original work

    Sky Melodies

  • Pauline Dunleavy Irish artist Irish art Wild Atlantic Way Seascape landscape painting Gallery online Kilbaha Gallery Interiors Irish art

    Clare Coastline

  • Pauline Dunleavy for Kilbaha Gallery Buy Irish Art Online

    Harvest Morn


Past Works

  • Pauline Dunleavy original Irish art bursts of colour vivacious and vivid work gorgeous pieces Ireland encaustic work pigmented wax painting interiors house gift ireland beautiful work Kilbaha Gallery West of Ireland

    Natures Dance (Sold)

  • Pauline Dunleavy original Irish art bursts of colour vivacious and vivid work gorgeous pieces Ireland encaustic work pigmented wax painting interiors house gift ireland beautiful work Kilbaha Gallery West of Ireland

    Down To The Shore (Sold)

  • Pauline Dunleavy original Irish art bursts of colour vivacious and vivid work gorgeous pieces Ireland encaustic work pigmented wax painting interiors house gift ireland beautiful work Kilbaha Gallery West of Ireland

    How Does Your Garden Grow (Sold)

  • Pauline Dunleavy original Irish art bursts of colour vivacious and vivid work gorgeous pieces Ireland encaustic work pigmented wax painting interiors house gift ireland beautiful work Kilbaha Gallery West of Ireland

    Room With A View (Sold)

  • Golden Sands (Sold)

  • Pauline Dunleavy Encaustic art pigmented wax beautiful pieces of original art Irish art Kilbaha Gallery Irish gallery WAW interiors original work

    Sweet Therapy (Sold)

  • Pauline Dunleavy - oil and wax Kilbaha Gallery Ireland's contemporary art gallery on the WIld Atlantic Way West of Ireland Interiors Original Art Irish gifts design decor

    Drift Away (Sold)

  • Pauline Dunleavy - oil and wax Kilbaha Gallery Ireland's contemporary art gallery on the WIld Atlantic Way West of Ireland Interiors Original Art Irish gifts design decor

    Where Wild Things Grow (Sold)

  • Pauline Dunleavy - oil and wax Kilbaha Gallery Ireland's contemporary art gallery on the WIld Atlantic Way West of Ireland Interiors Original Art Irish gifts design decor

    Listen to the Wind (Sold)

  • Pauline Dunleavy - oil and wax Kilbaha Gallery Ireland's contemporary art gallery on the WIld Atlantic Way West of Ireland Interiors Original Art Irish gifts design decor

    Our Irish Shore (Sold)

  • Pauline Dunleavy Irish artist Irish art Wild Atlantic Way Seascape landscape painting Gallery online Kilbaha Gallery Interiors Irish art

    Whispering Boglands (Sold)

  • Pauline Dunleavy for Kilbaha Gallery, Buy Irish Art Online

    North Clare (Sold)

  • Wild Atlantic Way (Sold)


Pauline Dunleavy

An artist, art-teacher, prominent business woman, volunteer and community activist, Pauline is a well known and highly thought of individual in West Clare. Her artwork is much sought after and has become a lovely and important thing for people to collect and own into the future.
Pauline works primarily in oils, but also in acrylic and watercolours and is influenced by the West Coast of Clare and in particular the beauty of the Kilrush area.