Diana Marshall for Kilbaha Gallery Buy irish art online

Are you ready for the ‘Christmas Gift List’?

Featured image – Peaches Split by Diana Marshall – €200 – to see this painting online CLICK HERE Mid October tends to signal the dawning of the Christmas ‘gift list’ which, lets face it, is nearly upon us!  Original art is such a thoughtful and meaningful gift to receive. Whether the person you are buying…

Ladies of Leisure by Gillian Kenny Shinnors for Kilbaha Gallery
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Introducing Gillian Kenny Shinnors to the Gallery

Introducing the work of Gillian Kenny Shinnors to our line up here at Kilbaha Gallery. We are ‘beyond thrilled’ to be representing this celebrated Limerick artist. With many achievements under her belt, including solo and collaborative exhibitions both in Ireland and internationally, and a loyal fan base, Kenny-Shinnors is what you might call a fast-ascending…