White Rabbit

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White Rabbit



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40.5″ (103cm) x 40.5″ (103cm)

Perhaps one of the most impactful and striking paintings we have had in the Gallery, this striking, largely black, metre x metre canvas from Heidi Wickham has blown our minds. The simplicity of the stark black background and the contrast of the beautiful white bunny in the bottom left-hand corner of it, work so splendidly well together and has evoked emotional responses from all who have laid eyes on it. Wickhams signature style, where she straddles hyper-realism and wonderfully quirky at just the perfect point, makes it incredibly desirable, ridiculously contemporary and very, very collectable.
Her work jumps off the canvas.
Heidi Wickhams ‘White Bunny’ will truly elevate one’s collection.

Contemporary Irish Art – Beautiful Original Work – Colletors Dream – Domestic or Corporate Collections – Heidi Wickham –

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