Three Friends On The Ocean

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Three Friends On The Ocean



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Approx. 66cm x 66cm ( 26″ x 26″ )
Oil on Canvas

You might be more familiar with Padraig McCauls rustic landscapes, but the other subject matter he is fond of using is that of his own (and other) families and friends. His stylised people are all extremely similar and symbolic generally of pivotal moments. They speak to buyers because of links drawn between the family depicted and their own perhaps, or maybe its the special moments or sometimes even the locations that attract them. This beautiful oil on canvas, with its blue, green sea and almost pink sky, depicts three friends on the ocean. Perhaps they are actually on the ocean together, because its something they loved to do, or perhaps they are figuratively at sea for some reason. Either way, a beautiful and possibly quite poignant painting – in McCauls signature style. As all Padraig’s work does, this painting pops incredibly well on any coloured wall from white to dark navy.

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