What Lies Beneath The Rock Pools In Ross II

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What Lies Beneath The Rock Pools In Ross II



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**** Behind Glass – mixed media – would require a discussion regarding shipping

The strangest thing happened the other day, indeed not long after this latest Carmel Madigan painting arrived at the Gallery.  We took a walk to the famous Bridges of Ross, which we are lucky enough to have on our doorstep, on a day when the tide was out farther than we had ever, ever seen it go. New rocks were suddenly exposed to us, rocks that we had never walked on before, were suddenly visible; bleached pink from the seaweed. A further by-product of this low tide was a million new rockpools full of sea life.  It was a surreal experience and the thought crossed my mind more than once, that I felt I was walking through this very Carmel Madigan painting. Every colour we were familiar with from Carmel; those varying depths of purples, pinks, turquoises, greens and blues that you almost don’t believe could exist for real, were there right in front of us, in all their vibrant realness. This particular mixed media work is extraordinary. What lies beneath the Rock Pools in Ross II –  Carmel strikes again.

Would look stunning in a public space / foyer – or a more visited part of your home – as people will want to look at this closely to examine all the exciting mixed media elements.

What Lies Beneath – Irish Contemporary Artist – Mixed Media Artwork – Original Art – Framed behind glass – exceptional artist – collectable work

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