Exclusive: Kilkee Bandstand with Rainbow (2020)

HomeShopExclusive: Kilkee Bandstand with Rainbow (2020)

Exclusive: Kilkee Bandstand with Rainbow (2020)



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Ruth Wood, Kilkee Bandstand with Rainbow, (2020), Pen, Ink and Watercolour, 21cm x 29.7 cm
Size with double mount 29.7cm x 42.0cm, backed with conservation board.
Original Work – One of One

 Artists Statement:
This drawing was completed during a time in the pandemic when ‘grownups’ were frightened and acting out their fears. At the same time rainbow images by children flooded the TV and online platforms; that wordless response of hope was a consolation for many of us. This drawing evokes that spirit of positive expectation. I placed the rainbow over the iconic Kilkee Bandstand to express hope to the many people who love this particular location” –
Ruth Wood

Highly Collectable:
This is one of an exclusive collection of drawings that Ruth Wood has created especially for the discerning art buyers and collectors of Kilbaha Gallery. These beautiful drawings are original works (no prints of the same) and thus are highly collectable. Ruth is one Ireland’s most talented and recognisable contemporary Pen & Ink artists. Her work is highly sought after.


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