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56.5cm (22.5″) square – Framed Original Art 

We spend our days (and nights) pandering to the ever changing notions of our cat. Indeed as anyone who shares their living space with a feline friend truly knows, we are but mere minions in their eyes. But, nonetheless we love them and are generally happy to bow to their superiority. This little guy is humouring us with a cheeky side profile here, because, lets face it, he’s not going to offer us a head-on pose.
Heidi’s unique ability to capture all of those personality nuances in each of her paintings is what makes her pieces so darn collectable.

Depicted in her signature style, Wickham draws her pieces, rather uniquely, with charcoal, which makes for the most beautiful, atmospheric and smokey outlines – while then painting them with acrylics and pastels. Gorgeous palettes and wonderfully quirky compositions make for pieces that quite literally, stop you in your tracks. A highly collectable artist, Heidi Wickham is selling internationally and has amassed a large fanbase.
A black cat was always a symbol of luck and it would be immensely lucky to own this Heidi Wickham original!

Original Art – Highly Collectable – Animal Painting – Dog Painting – Heidi Wickham

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