A Pair of Bronze Mackerel

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A Pair of Bronze Mackerel



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Stone Bases – PAIR of Bronze Mackerel

(but can be purchased separately if preferred – email the gallery on kilbahagallery@gmail.com if you would like to discuss)

Over the generations, These bronze mackerel are probably the more staple fish caught here on Loop Head, for a very long time, providing a living for local fishermen. For the artist, Desmond Leddin, the mackerel here is about a childhood memory of fishing from a currach in Kilkee Bay and watching the fish being pulled from the ocean. The piece was originally carved / sculpted in wood by Des himself, and thereafter cast into bronze, here in the foundry in Kilbaha.

As always, Des has paid particular attention to the most lifelike of details – capturing beautifully their distinctive shape and the smoothness of their skin. Varying shades of light and darker teal are layered during patination, to give a gorgeous depth of colour and a funky, artistic edge to this gorgeous piece of sculpture. The choice of this teal colouring by Des, also represent the colours of the sea on a summer day and the rock on which it is mounted, represents the cliffs which are such an integral part of the Clare seascape.

Note: This sculptor only produces select and small amounts of work – quite beautifully collectable pieces.

Irish Contemporary Art – A Pair of Bronze Fish – Bronze Mackerel – striking patination – on a stone base – very collectable artwork –

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