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‘Guide to buying contemporary art for business’

CEO’s – have you considered the many, wide ranging, benefits to growing an original contemporary art collection?

Why not make your workspace a more beautiful place for your team to work in! Add a touch of class and sophistication to your surroundings, showcase your company’s culture of supporting the arts and, do it all, in the knowledge that it is also a rather wise investment.

Featured Piece Above: Pigs might Fly by Krys Pomeroy HERE
Featured Piece Below: Teal Bronze Cat by Seamus Connolly HERE

Maybe you already have a company art collection but would like to add more contemporary pieces to it?

Here at Kilbaha Gallery, we consistently work with some of Ireland’s best contemporary Irish artists and are constantly on the lookout for new and exciting pieces.

Coming from a generational background steeped in the art industry, with sculpting studios and a bronze foundry in the family, and a llong-running association with the art world, the now famous Kilbaha Gallery, are the perfect curators to advise you.

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.”

Albert Einstein